OCL Summer 2024 Fellowship Weekly Updates

Each week throughout the fellowship I’ll post an update about what I’ve been working on that week and any questions, lessons learned, or ideas for discussion.


Dates: June 10-21, 2024

What I’ve Accomplished This Week:

  • Defined OCL Fellowship work plan
  • Completed OHIE Academy Courses 345 and 445
  • Met with Jon, Joe, Geoffrey, and Andy to discuss NHDD MVP and future state
  • Worked on draft of NHDD Use Cases

Challenges, Questions, Lessons Learned:

  • Balance between a top-down and bottom-up perspective when defining a vision statement for the NHDD - helpful to keep values in mind and incorporate them in the vision

What I’m Planning to Accomplish Next Week:

  • Complete draft of NHDD Use Cases
  • Initial draft vision statement based on notes from the brainstorming on 6/20
  • Offline Tuesday, June 25 - Friday, June 28

Dates: June 24-July 3, 2024

What I’ve Accomplished This Week:

  • Drafted NHDD Use Cases and discussed with Jon, Joe, and Andy
  • Complete draft of NHDD IPS Use Case

Challenges, Questions, Lessons Learned:

  • The initial draft of the Use Cases sparked a discussion about conceptual alignment. It was helpful to talk that through as a group and a good reminder to me to check assumptions about conceptual alignment before getting too far along with concrete deliverables.

What I’m Planning to Accomplish Next Week:

  • Offline July 4-5 and July 9

Dates: July 8-12, 2024

What I’ve Accomplished This Week:

  • Updated NHDD Use Cases and created a slide deck
  • Reviewed the Use Cases deck with Jon, Joe, and Andy
  • Started drafting the Community component of the NHDD Conceptual Framework
  • Started writing a midway progress report for my JHSPH Practicum. I’ll turn this into a blog post for OCL as well.
  • Prep for additional conversations about NHDD future state
  • Updated the gantt chart where I’m tracking the fellowship work plan

Challenges, Questions, Lessons Learned:

  • I found it challenging to write NHDD use cases that were specific to IPS instead of generic. However, by trying to write IPS specific use cases, I ended up with good generic use cases to include in the Use Cases deck. After re-reviewing the IPS materials, I updated the IPS examples to make them more specific.
  • The Use Cases have taken more time than I expected because there was more high-level discussion required before it was possible to distill the concepts into a concrete product. I’ve updated the timeline for the remainder of the fellowship work plan with this in mind. Luckily, there was a buffer in August so the use cases taking longer than expected doesn’t put other work at risk.

What I’m Planning to Accomplish Next Week:

  • Finalize the Use Cases deck
  • Finish writing and share midway progress report
  • Review and update the Community component of the NHDD Conceptual Framework

Dates: July 15-19, 2024

What I’ve Accomplished This Week:

  • Created a glossary of NHDD resources
  • Continued to work on the use cases
  • Drafted a blog post about documenting the use cases
  • Met with Geoffrey and Andy to discuss the community pillar of the conceptual framework as it relates to LOINC and terminology, respectively
  • Started to pull together notes from those meetings to update the community pillar in the framework

What I’m Planning to Accomplish Next Week:

  • Finish the use cases!
  • Document a complete definition and initial version of the community component of the conceptual framework
  • Update the governance component of the conceptual framework
  • Continue group discussion about NHDD future state
  • Publish blog post about the use cases

Dates: July 22-25, 2024

What I’ve Accomplished This Week:

  • Finished an MVP of use cases (might return to this later in the summer, otherwise they are ready for additional expansion in the future)
  • Documented an initial version of the community pillar in NHDD Conceptual Framework DRAFT Jul-2024
  • Continued group discussion about NHDD future state
  • Posted a blog about use cases on OCL Chat
  • Prepped for a group activity related to the community pillar on the next OHIE TS call

What I’m Planning to Accomplish Next Week:

  • Facilitate a group activity related to the community pillar on the OHIE TS call
  • Continue discussion about NHDD future state
  • Update the governance component of the conceptual framework
  • Begin gathering feedback and updating Health Data Standards Assessment DRAFT Sep-2023