OCL Search: Journey Ahead

  1. Advanced search panel - some examples:
    1.1. Ability to restrict a search term to a single field (i.e. only search names or descriptions, for fields where this is supported)
    1.2. Ability to search custom attributes – when looking at a single repository, the list of custom attribute keys should be populated dynamically; when searching globally, let’s consider if we want to provide an indexed list of custom attribute keys
    1.3. English user performing an advanced search to only match French names/descriptions – e.g. working to localize terminology in their own application
    1.4. Allow user to write their own ES search query

  2. Walled garden search: Restricting search within repo version(s) boundaries.

  3. Searching concepts via their mappings
    3.1. Smarter handling of map types (e.g. boosting of SAME-AS and NARROWER-THAN are hard-coded)
    3.2. Searching target concept name
    3.3. Filtering of map types (e.g. find a concept that has a specific map-type)
    3.4. Find all concepts in a source that do not have a SAME-AS map to a particular source
    3.5. Filtering by target source

  4. Locale-specific search
    4.1. Weighting FSN higher than other name types (display name is weighted higher?)

  5. Include descriptions in the concept index

  6. Conditional cascade - only cascade to the next level if xyz search criteria are met

  7. Must (and must not!) have exact term search – using “quotes”

  8. Default to approx count of search results with an option to get accurate one.

  9. Filter panel – Collaborate with v3 work on this.

  10. Performance improvements: Meeting some targets for global search and repo searches.

  11. Search results display:
    11.1. Include locale in for any name/synonym that is displayed
    11.2. Include target concept name and source along with matching map code
    11.3. Highlighting exact matches differently than fuzzy matches (e.g. bold vs. italics?)
    11.4. Including any matched content inline with the search result (instead of a mouseover)
    11.5. Showing indicator for retired results

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Next steps:

  • Continue adding to Sunny’s initial post
  • Group into V2 or V3 (note: V2 generally tends towards API-level changes or smaller TermBrowser changes, while V3 takes care of everything past that)